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MPI for Windows Clusters

NT-MPICH is implemented as a dll. So to use the binaries you need a compiler that is able either to link VC++ 5.0 import libs or a tool that can make use of a dll in a different way. Since the Fortran bindings are located in a static library your Fortran compiler's linker must be able to link VC++ 6.0 static libraries. If you want to compile the sources, VC++ 6.0 is required.

For starting an MPICH program a tool to start programs on remote computers is needed. Unfortunately NT has no standard mechanism to do so. However, there are several solutions for this problem on the internet. So if you already have installed such kind of tool you are ready to compute. If you don't, we offer a sophisticated tool for NT based clusters called NTRexec. It is included in both the source and binary distribution of NT-MPICH.

The new cluster manager tool MP-Cluma can also be used to start NT-MPICH applications. As the development process on MP-Cluma is not completed there is no possibilty to download this tool yet.

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